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New Supplier Registration
Registration - Company Details

Main Contact Details

Name: Enter the First Name and Surname of the main point of contact at the company. (Usually the person registering).

Publish E-Mail: Enter a valid e-mail address for use when logging in as the main point of contact. This e-mail address will also be used as the main publish e-mail address for the company. (Used to send out notifications regarding new documents published or correspondence received).

Password: Enter a secure password which will be used for logging in as the main point of contact for the company.

Additional Contact Details (Optional)

Name: Enter the First Name and Surname of an additional point of contact at the company.

Publish E-Mail: Enter a valid e-mail address for use when logging in as an additional point of contact.

Password: Enter a secure password which will be used for logging in as an additional point of contact for the company.

Company Details

Company Reg No: Enter the unique registration number for your company. (Note: If this has already been registered you will be informed of this and should contact the person initially registered so they may add you as an additional contact. If they are not available contact the procurement department and request they give you access to the information or add you as an additional contact. Their phone number and e-mail address can be found on the Main Help page).

Company Name: Enter the unique Trading name of your company. (Note: If this has already been registered you will be informed of this and should contact the person initially registered so they may add you as an additional contact. If they are not available contact the procurement department and request they give you access to the information or add you as an additional contact. Their phone number and e-mail address can be found on the Main Help page).

Address Line: Enter your companies address details in the provided Address Line text fields. (Note: Only the Address Line 1 and the Post Code are mandatory).

Contact Details: Enter your companies contact details such as a Telephone, Fax number and a company website. (Note: Only the Telephone Number is mandatroy).

Registration - Business Categories

Codes: A simple search and selection method is provided here for you to classify the nature of your business. Enter something that is relative to your company in the serach box and select search. A list will then be provided based on your search. If nothing is returned modify your criteria or enter no criteria and select search (This will return all current business categories). Should you still not be provided with something you wish to classify against, you may wish to contact the procurement department as they manage all the categories themselves. We suggest if you are looking to express interest in a specific tender, contact the procurement department and confirm which category they will be using to classify the tender. Selecting clear will clear all search criteria entered.

Add/Remove Codes: A blue plus icon will be provided next to each code currently not associated with your company. Selecting this will associate it with your company. A red cross icon will be provided next to each code currently associated with your company. Selecting this will unassociate it with your company.